June 09, 2016

Summer Body Ready

Hot days are officially here and so it's beach days! Everyone is dreaming of a tanned glowy body, long walks at the beach and night outs with friends. Today I'm bringing you some of my go-to tips when it comes to have the perfect summer body - by summer body I don't mean having a Victoria's Secret angel body, I mean having a well treated skin, protected and receptive to the sun, hydrated and super good looking because after all, that's exactly what I wish for during this time of the year! I'm sharing with you some super easy tricks and tips that you can easily follow during the hot season weather or even during the whole to have a great skin day after day, no matter the weather!

Of course this has to be the first tip for a good summer body! Everyone knows all the benefits that comes with water including making your skin look better and hydrating. An well-hydrated body is everything you want, specially during summer time, enhancing your tan and reflecting a great and toned skin. But I don't really need to give you reason because you already know that so, keep drinking at least 2 liters of water a day and you will be just fine.

Eat Well
I don't really think I need to say it but: a diet rich in vegetables, fruit and vitamins is the first step on having a great skin and to be more receptive to sunbeams. There are some foods that, besides making the skin healthier and more beautiful, help enhancing the tan. I'm talking about vitamins, of course. In addition to being healthy, also take care of our skin. For example, add to your alimentation pineapple, pumpkin, sweet potato, beet, broccoli, watercresscarrots, spinach, orange, lemon, mango, watermelon, strawberries, papaya, tomato, etc.

If you're not the hugest fan of eating vegetables and fruits, than the best way to make sure that you're eating them is blending them all together, add some ice and have a juice. With the food I mentioned above you can make a ton of different combinations and I'm pretty sure they will all taste delicious - besides providing all the great nutrients. For example, some of my favorites are beet&carrot, lemon&carrot, papaya&carrot&orange and peach&orange. Let me know if you want me to share my recipes of summer juices!

Exfoliation is a great skincare step. It eliminates dead skin, smooths the skin and improves the microcirculation - essential to fight cellulite and tone the skin. By exfoliating at least 3 to 4 times a week you will improve not only the ease of tanning but also its duration. It's amazing how a simple step like this can improve your tanning process so much, why don't you give it a try?

Hydrated Skin
It's impossible to enumerate every single option of moisturizers available for you to buy, use and abuse. From drugstore to high-end brands, you really have multiple options so don't you dare to not use at least a little bit of a moisturizer cream after the bath. With this step you can repair all the damages that sunbathing causes to your skin and you will also have a glowy and beautiful skin - perfect for the shorts/dress/tops season, right?! This is one of the easiest steps for a perfect summer body so keep this tips in mind.

Cellulite SOS
I know how uncomfortable cellulite can be sometimes specially during bikini season. Although it's a "normal" problem that a lot of women have, thankfully a lot of brands developed some amazing anti-cellulite oils and creams, with multiple formulas considering what you are looking for. After a bath, before applying your moisturizer, if you are not feeling comfortable apply an anti-cellulite cream to boost your body confidence. But don't forget that like every single person has cellulite too so you are not really alone on that.

Sun Protection
I know a tanned body is all you wish for after a long winter season but it's really important to protect your skin from the direct solar radiation! Fortunately you have plenty of options that keeps you protected from the sun but still helps you to get a beautiful tan colour. Just pick up your favourite and use it whether you are at the beach, at the pool or just sunbathing in your balcony.


  1. obrigada pelo comentário <3
    realmente, todos estes passos são importantes e adorei as sugestões :D


  2. Adorei as tuas sugestões minha querida, ando a tentar seguir a maior parte delas mas não está fácil!

  3. Tocaste nos pontinhos todos essenciais ehehe e já estamos tão em cima do Verão temos já de preparar tudinho!!

  4. dicas master!
    ja estou seguindo o blog! vou passar uma semana na praia e amei as dicas!
    Blog Dinha Belmont✿

  5. Sun Protection is so important...

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  6. Obrigado querida Madalena :D Então ficamos combinados!

    Gostei bastante das dicas. Eu tenho sempre o máximo de cuidado em preparar a minha pele para o verão até porque adoro ficar moreno :D

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  7. I really enjoyed your post.
    You have a very good content and explains very well, all detail to detail!


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  8. Adorei adorei, gosto tanto dos posts de verão...é tudo tão giro e bom e maravilhoso :D.
    Beijinhos e bom fim de semana.


  9. Great post! So many amazing tips :)

    Caro x


  10. Great tips! I should definitely start doing exfoliating more often, I mean who doesn't want a longer-lasting tan ;)

  11. great tips! After some sunbathing I use a lot of body creme, also the days after. Your tan will be a little longer on your skin if you do that!

  12. Thanks for sharing Madalena! It's a nice post! Have a wonderful summer! :D


  13. Acho que o essencial é mesmo a água, eu não dispenso!!

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  14. Obrigada! ♥
    Abordaste todos os pontos essenciais... Ótimo post!

  15. Hidratar a pele e usar sempre protetor é bastante importante.
    Não conhecia o blog mas adorei e já estou a seguir!
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  16. Adorei este post!
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  17. Adoro! A hidratação não pode faltar mesmo :D tento seguir tudinho!
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  18. Thanks for sharing all these products hun.

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  19. Adorei o post! Muito bem construído e informativo. Eu tento sempre cumprir essas dicas :D


  20. Water is always the number one solution. I take more than 15 glasses a day. A good sunblock will always do the trick too! Thanks for reminding!

    SHAIRA // Beach bum

  21. All of your tips are spot on, especially being sure to drink plenty of water - since I increased my water intake earlier this year, I've noticed huge changes in my skin! Thanks for the skin protection suggestions by the way :)


  22. Lá isso é verdade, apenas usamos as cores mais escuras, e não as mais claras, pois já começa-mos a achar estranho. Mas ao mesmo tempo fica tãoooo bem, que até já vale a pena pensar sobre o assunto .


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  23. I love everything from lush!! Thanks for the recommendations!

  24. Esses são mesmo os essenciais :)
    Eu falho só nos vegetais, que não gosto muito, mas ando a fazer um esforço (e não só para o verão). Beijinhos e boa semana ^^

  25. Wow love this post - cute products and love your text <3



  26. Confesso que não sou boa a exfoliar, é sempre aquele passo que fica para depois e acabo por não o fazer mas devia com certeza porque faz muita diferença! Adorei as sugestões :)
    Bj S

  27. Great points, I feel guilty because my skin hydration has been poorly this summer :(


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